We specialize in manufacturing ready to eat pet ice-cream. Our products are specially formulated for both; cats & dogs, they do not contain any processed sugar and are lactose free.
Our ice cream base comprises of raw goat’s milk or soy milk, blackstrap molasses, raw organic honey, clarified butter (ghee) and virgin sunflower oil. All these ingredients are added in adequate proportion to make a healthy base for the pet ice-cream. Other healthy herbs & ingredients, that are organic and of single origin are added to the base. The end result is an enjoyable treat that also provides nutrition and has remedial effects, which your fur baby will surely relish.
- Goat’s Milk: Pet Nutritionists and vets, not just abroad but also in India, have found goat’s milk to be a complete, natural and nourishing food source. Due to the presence of Lactase in high quantity and lower content of lactose (as compared to cow’s milk) it is easily digestible. It contains antioxidants, lactic acid which helps fight off harmful bacteria and is a fantastic source of probiotics. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your pets’ health, then goat’s milk is the answer!
Goat’s milk also helps in fighting modern chronic illnesses such as arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcer and colitis to name a few. The probiotics found in goat’s milk regulate bacteria and help in creating a healthy gut, which make it easier for your pet to digest it as well as absorb all the vitamins & minerals. It is a natural source of antihistamine, which can help reduce asthma, allergies, itching & scratching. The enzymes, fatty acids and antioxidant compounds in goat’s milk can also help in reducing joint pain & inflammation, improve circulation and reduce arthritis symptoms.
- Soy Milk: For those pet parent’s who are looking out for a lactose free and/or vegan treat, we have products which are made with unsweetened raw soy milk. Soy milk is a tremendous source of proteins for pets who can’t or don’t eat meat and are not allergic to it. Absence of lactose and hydrolyzed soy proteins, make it easier for your pet to digest and assimilate the nutrients. Soy milk has high fiber & potassium content which can assist with weight management, that is if your pet is facing weight or dietary issues. It is also high in vitamins, folic acid, essential amino acids, no cholesterol and contains key antioxidants which forms a great source for body-building proteins.
- Raw Organic Honey & Black Strap Molasses: As compared to processed sugar, which is toxic for your pet, raw organic honey & black strap molasses (albeit being added in negligible quantity) is added to the base, in the right proportion for your pet to enjoy its sweetness at the same time not proving to be harmful for them.
Honey & Black Strap Molasses is a superfood, it is not super sweet like sugar, it is rich in antioxidants, minerals like copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese & selenium, vitamins, also provides relief from allergies, skin irritation or skin problems, cough or throat irritation, aids in digestion & weight control, high calcium content helps maintain healthy bones, improves immunity, and also give your pet a quick energy boost, whenever they may need it.
- Fat Source: Fat is an integral nutrient for your pet. It provides energy, insulation cushioning and optimize metabolism. Maximum efficiency comes from a diet containing highly digestible fat. As we all know, fat is dense in energy as compared to carbohydrates or proteins, infact many vets recommend high fat diet for nursing or pregnant pets.
Using ghee or virgin sunflower oil, in the right proportion, is beneficial for your pet, it appeals to their palate, lubricates the joints, improves the skin & coat, boosts immunity, improves their vision as well as lines the gut, there by aiding in digestion. Thus we use ghee in most of our recipes, and for those pet parents’ who would like to give a vegan & healthy treat to their babies, we use virgin sunflower oil instead.
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